Thursday, January 29, 2009

We Can and We Must Do Better Than This (Part 2)

The response I received from Sen. Stoner was rapid. See below:

Thank you for taking the time to write to me about the state funding of the school nurse program. I share your concerns for the health and well being of our children. Please know the decision to continue state assistance for the school nurse program is of great concern to me. The process for considering the continuation of this important state funding has just begun. The General Assembly has not yet begun the task of fully addressing this important state issue.
I would like to take this opportunity to provide some background information on current funding of the school nurse program, along with the budget process and a historical look at this particular program. The Governor and General Assembly have fully funded the state portion of the school nurse program for Fiscal year 2009, which runs through the end of this school year. In his Fiscal Year 2010 budget proposal, the Governor has suggested removing the state portion of school nurse funding. The next step in the budget process is consideration by the House of Representatives. The Senate will only have an opportunity to make changes once the budget receives approval from the House of Representatives.

The current state portion for school nurse funding is $30 million dollars and the local school systems fund an additional $25 million for a total of $55 million dollars. The proposal by the Governor for 2010 is to remove the state portion of funding. State assistance for funding school nurses began with in the 2001 school year to expand coverage to more of our school. Prior to 2001 school nurses were funded solely by local school systems.

As you likely already know, the state is facing a historic shortfall in revenues. This does not allow any option to be removed from consideration. However, it is a top priority of mine and my Senate colleagues to look at all available options in order to continue assisting local school systems with the school nurse program.

Again, thank you for taking the time to write me with your concerns.

Doug Stoner
State Senator
District 6